Thursday 1 March 2012

The antisemitic MP offers a half hearted apology, well nearly.


Paul Flynn Apologises for Comments
Following complaints made by the Board and the JLC, Paul Flynn MP has released this apology for the remarks that he made at a recent House of Commons Public Administration Committee Meeting. In those remarks he questioned Matthew Gould’s suitability for the role of UK Ambassador to Israel on the basis of his Jewish background and called into question the loyalty of British Jews to this country.
“Clumsily expressed remarks of mine have caused anger and upset. I greatly regret the interpretation that has been placed on them and I fully understand why offence was given. Some of the interpretations  of these words were exaggerated suggesting malign intent that was never present or intended. Inference was built on inference. 
All well so far...
My friend Robert Halfon absolved me of the charge of anti-semitism but said that my remarks could imply an unacceptable prejudice. On reflection, it is clear that Robert's criticism is fair. Other greatly respected friends  have urged me to withdraw the remarks and apologise. This I am happy to do. There is no reason that anyone of any race or religion should be debarred from public office. That has always been my opinion.The comments were made in a heated exchange in a select committee discussion on probable warmongering. Other information received contradicts criticism I quoted on the conduct of our ambassador. I regret any offence caused. However, I will continue to press for a full legitimate inquiry by Sir Phillip Mawer into the Fox-Werritty conduct.
But now I shall move onto Tory bashing.
The issue raised is of supreme importance. The UK is stumbling towards a war in Iran that could have dreadful unforeseeable consequences. History proves that  in the past the momentum of preparations for war  frequently leads  to war. I continue to urge the Government to seek to reduce tension, pursue conflict resolution and cease war preparations. The two greatest errors of my 25 years in parliament were joining Bush's  war in Iraq and the incursion into Helmand. They resulted in 569 British deaths with little gained.  Are we about to commit another blunder? A war in Iran could cost us dearly in blood and treasure. 
No not a proper apology to the person he insulted, just another rant against war and Tories.

I have been an elected representative for the past 40 years and I do not have an atom of racism or anti-semitism in me.  If there was someone would have noticed by now.  Most of the comments received were polite and reasonable. Others sought to shoot the messenger. It's the message that's crucial. War must be avoided.”

Paul Flynn MP
Still strange that he never posted this apology on his blog? Then again even Pravda back before the fall of the Soviet Empire put out more truth than anything ever uttered by Paul Flynn MP.

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