Flynn asks on his webshyte:
Is royalty propping up charities or are charities shoring up royalty? The royal spin machine is in overdrive.The Charities Aid Foundation claimed their ‘new research’ shows that “The Queen supports hundreds of British charities to raise £1.4bn a year for good causes”.
And the UK taxpayer shores up Paul Flynn to the tune of 65K a year + £100+K in expenses, for little if any real work.
Flynn, who was supposed as an MP to have taken an oath of loyalty to the Queen carries on:
The research was limited to adding up the total income of all the 510 charities that have the Queen’s imprimatur on their notepaper. No comparison was made with the income of charities that lack royal approval. The Foundation confesses that they know of no proven advantage of the royal seal of approval. No calculation was attempted on what amount of the £1.4bn was attributable to patronage. There is no causal linkThe tenuous historic links between charities and royalty have increased to match the declining public approval of royalty in the past 30 years. The myth of the fairytale blue-blooded superbeings died. The newly minted myth of an ideal family disappeared under the triple stain of three royal divorces. Cosying up to charities was the new wheeze to spread to royals by osmosis the goodwill that charities enjoy. It also provided a new role to justify the income support that the nation donates to the under-employed minor royals. It appears to be working.
And what approval rating for the slitheryMr Flynn? The voter turnout declines and even then his share of the voters keeps going on down? Seriously he scrapes through when barely 39% of folk bother to get out and vote.
Still as per the last post, come the day the sheeple will wake up. They will realise their pockets have been picked of countless hundreds of thousands by this aged benefits claimant and throw him out on his aged ear.
Newport deserves better than Paul Flynn MP.
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